Pritoria: A demanding father is something with which I was once sorely familiar. Servius be your name, how did you come by it?

Servius: My father was a proud Etruscan; my given name is the same as the sixth King of Rome, himself an Etruscan. There is naught any actual lineage.

Pritoria: Much significance is rendered to royal blood, and I daresay much more misunderstood. You speak of your father as in the past, how is this?

Servius: My parents are together gone, taken by a sickness which has no name and no remedy.

Pritoria: I am sorry to hear of this piteous end they did meet. They must have been full of pride for you their son. Strange, you have much to warrant confidence, Servius, yet you seem unsettled. Is it being in this temple to the goddesses, or being in it with me present?

Servius: In sooth Princess Pritoria, it is a large measure of both.