Servius: You are over gracious milady. My zeal was due much to new constraints against maiming or killing in contests of combat. Hollow is the warriors' heart that enjoys inflicting pain on his countrymen. Pray add my deepest gratitude to mine already steadfast allegiance to you, if it be sooth what I have heard that you had some hand in these compassionate adjustments.

Pritoria: This you have heard? There was no public declaration. Well, as you say, I did support the modifications and I accept your thanks curteous given. You have of recent in your speech proven that which was clear to me in the games, that you are a mindful man. Are you a warrior who does read and would write?

Servius: Alas I write not so well but book and sword are my constant companions. My father taught me to read and interpret. He was as strict as any professional tutor and I suspect, more demanding.