Pritoria: Pray explain.

Servius: I know not how to be any other way but anxious in the presence of the Queens's daughter. As for this rarified place, my parents felt a strong connection to the feminine factions of the gods. Their belief was that men conspire to diminish their character and contributions. They write over and retell the tales in ways that channel more credit and power to the male gods than they just deserve.

Pritoria: It is not just the myths of the gods where these conspiracies thrive. It is up to the just to see justice done as they deserve it best lest the unjust have justice deserved undone. Do you deserve the power and intelligence you possess, Servius?

Servius: Your highness, I try my life to live always striving to be worthy of any good fortune enjoyed. Your frank exchange serves to embolden me to mirror this inquiry back. Do you feel you merit your extreme beauty, substantial skill with a bow, which I have seen with mine own eyes, and the brilliance of your insight, of which I was sadly ignorant until it shone on me this day in this sacred place?