Walter: Dang, I had no idea you were blind, you don't have a stick or dark sunglasses or a dog or anything…

Consolata: …yeah, or a sign around my neck. If you must know, I have this device in my ear that uses sound to warn me about obstacles and that sort of thing. It has to be calibrated once in a while, which is one of the things I do with my computer.

Walter: Radar ear piece, that's cool. Can you bring the laptop over here?

Consolata: I'm scared to, I dropped it on my table while it was in sleep mode and when I opened the lid it didn't wake back up. When I pushed the power button there were no beeps and no fan or hard drive sounds, just complete silence. I'm afraid if I move it it'll just make it worse. I have it all set up with accessibility stuff like voice command and text to speech, but I can manage for a couple of days without it, I still have food, water and shelter. Sorry to bother you, at least I didn't fall hard enough to bleed on your porch.