Consolata: Why should you care? It's none of your business, right? I came over partly because I heard you were a computer guy and was hoping you'd look at my laptop. I dropped it and now something is wrong and it won't turn on anymore. I am totally dependent on it. In my world you try to be nice to someone before you ask a favor.

Walter: How did that happen?

Consolata: I don't want to get into how it happened, it just happened. Thanks for at least asking if I was OK after I fell on your damn paving stones. You can relax if you're worried I might sue you and I'll get someone else to come look at the stupid machine. Shit, it's the weekend! I guess I'll call on Monday.

Walter: What did you mean about being totally dependent on it?

Consolata: Well, unlike you, I'm going to answer the tough question. I'm blind, but I wanted you to help me out of kindness, not pity so now that you know about my little disability, that pretty much kills that concept. I rely on my computer for almost everything, I know I shouldn't, but I do.