Master Sergeant: Am I correct then in assuming you do not agree that we should go to Alert Level 1? As you know, security protocol requires that we both have to approve that particular escalation.

Dr. Seldon: Yes, you assume correctly. This is a major event for sure, but I don't think it's a true emergency. I'll take full responsibility for the decision.

Master Sergeant: Alright, it's your invention, or is it? They only tell us what we need to know but there are stories floating around that the plans for this device have extraterrestrial origins. You talk about it like it does what it wants to do. You say it's been designed to be somewhat autonomous but it sounds to me like it is completely out of your or anybody else's control. How did you put it once, "The Model doesn't have a mind of its own, it IS a mind of its own." Then just prior to it committing electronic Hari Kari it sends out this transmission that I seriously doubt is aimed at one of our satellites. Is this an alien machine Doctor Seldon?

Dr. Seldon: Please call me Harriet and your name is Russ, right? Russ, someday I hope I can give you a straight answer to that question. Maybe this event will be a catalyst for the declassification of the entire project, but let me put it to you as a hypothesis. Let's say an alien intelligence had us build an artificial intelligence machine to aid in, let's say, saving humanity or some such grand Science Fiction theme. Then let's say it had recently done an analysis which resulted in a clean bill of health. No more dire danger in our species' future. Would this alien intelligence have been motivated by sheer benevolence? Probably not, more likely they would act based on one of the most powerful compulsions rational, self-aware analytical beings must share; the desire to fix problems, mistakes - especially ones that they themselves are responsible for making, and they would want to know if and when they succeeded – hypothetically. What do you say we all go sit down and have a cup of coffee, my treat.