Prit: So as mamby pamby Princess Pritoria I stab my own father, with two knives! Pretty friggin' cool. You probably know from my records that I was abused by my real father. I didn't kill him but when I heard he died in a car wreck I wasn't the least bit sorry. I guess I didn't tell you the dream the first time because I thought that whole scene would make me look deranged, or dangerous, or psycho or whatever.

Luxana: I'm not here to judge. The law says I have to report anyone who presents a credible and immediate threat to themselves or others, but this doesn't qualify. So, now that you've processed this and your other medieval encounter with the soldier, what messages do you think your self-help mechanisms were trying to send?

Prit: Well that whole thing in the hunting lodge made me look at relationships in a different way. I thought I liked men who let me be the dominant personality, not like an S and M kind of thing, which is what a lot of people assume I'd be into based on my appearance, but men who defer rather than assert themselves. Now I'm looking more for an equal partnership kind of thing. I have a lot of good reasons to hate men, and maybe I do, but not so much anymore. As for sex, I have been with more women than men, but I tell the girls to leave their strap-ons at home. I just don't tell them it's because I like what men come factory equipped with. You into women doc?