Gregori: Pritoria, daughter...

Pritoria: Daughter, nay. You, my father and unwanted assailant shall never more be my or any others'. No court upon which you sit as highest authority would hear my mournful case described, therefore I have alone you judged and just punishment just carried out. Think on this as your fetid flame flickers and dies; I take your life as you took away mine, precious innocence, childhood, and a daughter's treasured trust and love for her forebear. You ceased being father as the crown came upon you delivered by the death of your brother, my beloved uncle. His remembered fate foul and fraught with suspicion. Like a feast into excrement, profoundly converted became you. Persons your possessions became and this bane of incestuous yearnings grew upon your soul like boils on the skin. Many enemies have you that would see thee dead. No person will doubt Princess Pritoria's recounting that one such came through yon window open and made good their assassination whilst you bid your daughter sweet dreams.

Gregori: Verily, I brought this fated end to mine self. Pity and woe, woe and pity...