Barry: I still don't get the connection. We hear things in dreams in an abstract way, but the only sounds in the chamber that would be processed as real sounds are the patient's metabolism and the slight hiss of the oxygen coming in.

Luxana: You'll have to trust me on this part; I really think the auditory sensory apparatus is the key.

Barry: I don't see any glaring holes in your hypothesis. I say, let's test it! I could tweak the CIM to take the neural density in a woman's brain into account. I could do that with my next clinical trial which is at the end of the week. This is great stuff, thanks for sharing it with me. Maybe we'll get an overall improvement along with it.

Luxana: If it pans out, we can both thank my mother. Also, could you read something brief into the speaker system in the chamber during The Dream State? I'd like to see the effect that has on the traces.

Barry: How about part of a poem I know by Langston Hughes? It kind of relates to our work, "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?"

Luxana: That's perfect. I loved the play by that name.