Mrs. Brighton: Yes, I can't thank you enough for getting me into that clinical trial. The treatments don't just help my short and long term memory; I swear I can hear better and my sense of smell has perked up too.

Luxana: Really? That's interesting. We thought there might be some slight improvement in sensory acuity, but you say it's noticeable? Do you know if any of the others have had the same experience as you?

Mrs. Brighton: Well, we have a group meeting every two weeks, Celia and Resa and I are always talking about how we can hear and smell better, but George and Javier don't seem to. We all have better recollection though, that's for sure.

Luxana: So you and the other women, but not the men...hmmm. Wait! Mom, sorry but I have to go. You just gave me an idea!