Luxana: We went to a multinational organization, the enforcement arm of the Global Health Agency. I just got a security clearance from them, and because of that I can't tell you any more about it. I'm sorry. I can tell you that justice is being served and we are not ignoring the women who were victimized and last of all, I like blowing on my soup better than I like a burnt tongue

Zackary:The GHA? Jeez Lux, you really have been through a lot lately. Does my being an ex-detective turned private security contractor even qualify me to sip soup with a beautiful and possibly dangerous spy?

Luxana: No, I mean yes, I mean I'm not a spy. The security thing is about my job. The Treatment Center does some extremely critical and sensitive work. OK – I'm changing the subject. I just had an idea, let's hurry up and eat and then you can take me to that romantic spot near the river.

Zackary: Tonight? Sure, but this is so sudden, what about your car...

Luxana: Screw the car; I'll deal with that later. This is me being spontaneous, hard to believe I know, so don't spoil it.