Luxana: Goddamn it! What I mean is it took me this much time apart from you to see myself the way you must. A woman who's a control freak and afraid of getting too involved in somebody else's life because of her almighty career. Someone who's interesting to talk to but who can suck the fun right out of anything remotely spontaneous because of her compulsive need to plan everything ahead of time. Someone who has a million rules and conditions about sex!

Zackary: Hold on a second, I never said you sucked fun!

Luxana: Stop joking for just a second! My new job has exposed me to people and ideas and events that have shaken my whole belief system - my whole perception of the world and the people in it. Please Zack, I want to be a part of this world, your world, not dismiss it or rise above it or analyze it to death. I know I'm the one who pulled away, but will you please consider spending time with me again, with a reformed Luxana Brighton?