Luxana: I need to fill you in on what I know and what John suspects and maybe we can come up with a plan. I can tell you right now that there is no evidence of anything illegal, just altered records, but in a pattern. Hey, I bet the only altered records are from sessions this guy Simon conducted and he probably copied the traces from yours.

Barry: The one I have right here is his, so that supports your theory. This could be very bad for all of us.

Luxana: Do you know about the so called "Waking Dream" state?

Barry: Sure, but – hey the traces on those sessions get all messed up, and traces are what's been altered!

Luxana: And the patients don't remember their dreams.

Barry: Fuck all - do you think he's spiking the meds and then getting the girls out and messing with them? Faking the traces to cover it up? That's sick – and illegal, and I hate to say it, fairly clever. Hmmm, I think I've got an idea.