Walter: Yeah I'm here, I'm fine. It's so weird - and nice, being in the same room with someone who isn't staring at me.

Consolata: Well, happy to oblige I guess.

Noticing her underwear again Walter realizes that since she can't see, she doesn't know that it is showing. The innocence of it is a stark contrast to the sex stuff he has seen on the Internet.

Walter: Hey, I don't want to embarrass you or anything, but your underwear is kind of showing. I just thought you might like to know.

Consolata: Oh god! It's this skirt, I forget how short it is. Thank you for being a gentleman and telling me, but since you are a gentleman and you've seen my panties, I guess we have no choice but to get married now.

For the first time in a very long time, Walter laughs and to his delight Consolata laughs with him.

Walter: That was a really funny thing you just said and picking it out of the air like that - very impressive. I'll take a look at your machine now.